CLEAR Welcomes First Step Alliance as a Member Organization

The Center for LGBTQ Economic Advancement & Research is pleased to welcome First Step Alliance to our coalition of member organizations committed to advancing LGBTQ economic justice and equality.

First Step Alliance is a 501(c)3 non-profit committed to charitable and educational causes that help advance successful re-entry and sustainable financial independence for formerly incarcerated people. 

First Step Alliance’s mission is “to help advance successful re-entry by providing critical access to the information, tools, and services people need to achieve financial independence.”

It is essential for the LGBTQ community to support successful reentry and economic well-being for those who are formerly incarcerated. LGBTQ people, particularly those who are people of color and who are transgender, are much more likely to interact with law enforcement, enter the legal system, and be incarcerated. Upon leaving the criminal justice system, LGBTQ people also suffer greater challenges to their successful reentry because of discrimination, abuse, and obstacles to obtaining legal documents and name changes.

To fill existing gaps, First Step Alliance provides pathways for formerly incarcerated persons–LGBTQ and non-LGBTQ–to overcome the current economic barriers created by the United States’ broken criminal justice system and to create financial well-being for themselves and for their communities.

CLEAR is proud to welcome First Step Alliance as a CLEAR member organization and recognizes our shared commitment to the financial empowerment of communities that have been disproportionately excluded in the financial services industry.

We look forward to working together with First Step Alliance to advance our mutual goals of greater financial opportunities for formerly incarcerated and LGBTQ communities.

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